Immersive AV Installation @ SXSW24 Future X Music event


Sound Design
Venice Bleach
The Sphere of Sound

Alexander Parsons

Immersive Mix
The Sphere of Sound

Venice Bleach

Transforming Live Events: Our Journey at SXSW 2024

A Symphony of Sight and Sound

At The Sphere of Sound, we believe in the power of audiovisual experiences to connect, inspire, and breathe life into every moment. Our latest venture at SXSW 2024 in Austin, Texas, stands as a testament to this belief—a collaboration that transcended the ordinary and ventured into the extraordinary.

The Collaboration

In partnership with Ristband, Venice Bleach, and the talented Alexander Parsons, we embarked on a mission to transform the Palm Door on 6th street into an immersive world where sound and visuals intertwine seamlessly. Our spatial audio design took center stage, enveloping attendees in a cocoon of auditory bliss that, when combined with mesmerizing visuals, created an unparalleled immersive experience.

The Experience

Imagine stepping into a space where every note, every beat, and every visual element is crafted to transport you to another dimension. This was the essence of our installation at SXSW 2024. Attendees were not just spectators but participants in a sensory journey that challenged their perception of music and technology. The feedback was unanimous—people literally got lost in the experience, a vivid testament to the power of immersive audiovisual art.

The Future is Now

This event was more than just a showcase; it was a glimpse into the future of live events—a future where technology and creativity merge to create experiences that resonate on a profoundly emotional level. We are proud to have shared this moment with Anne McKinnon, Roman Rappak, Blake Kammerdiener, and James Minor, without whom this would not have been possible.

Join Us on This Sonic Adventure

As we look forward to what the future holds, we invite artists, creators, and innovators in the field of AV installation and immersive audio design to join us. Together, we can push the boundaries of what's possible, creating experiences that not only entertain but transform.

Stay Connected

For those eager to be part of this evolving journey, follow The Sphere of Sound on LinkedIn and Instagram. Be the first to know about our upcoming projects and collaborations, and let's continue to redefine the landscape of music and technology together..


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